
Showing posts from September, 2020

Illustrator Links Blob Brush The blob brush tool is like the brush tool by drawing freehand strokes.   However, the brush tool the blob tool does not work along a vector path.   The blob tool creates and builds vector shapes.   This tool can be found under the pencil tool or you can use the shortcut shift/B on your keyboard.   Once you have selected the blob brush you will see a brush and circle.   The circle represents the stroke size.   You can add stroke and color fill effects If you use the blob brush tool to draw and use the same color to draw on top, only then will it merge together.   If you use different colors they don't merge.   I believe this tool can be useful to learn and use in a project for this class because it doesn’t look that difficult to use and can you can make all different shapes since it is similar to the pencil tool. Pen Tool The pen too...

Canvas Project

Sarah Weisman Reach For The Stars Fall 2020      This was a very tedious process but in the end it was worth it to experience the way a new program works.  I made a shooting star that has rectangles, triangles and circles coming out of it.  The white dots resemble stars from far away.  I also have a gradient background that is dark blue which gives the effect that is it night time.  This took approximately 14 hours of working and a bunch of time redoing a lot of codes.     My inspiration for this was stars.  I took it a step further and added the lines that make it look like a shooting star.  I used the rectangles, circles and triangles to make it look like the star was giving off a colorful "dust".  As someone who has never used Dreamweaver before I am impressed with my self for having the patience for this tedious task. Total time spent on project: 14 hours CODE: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charse...

Internet / World Wide Web

Internet / World Wide Web      What is the definition of internet?  The internet is  a system that has revolutionized communications and methods of commerce by allowing various computer networks around the world to interconnect.  It is sometimes referred to as a "network of networks".  Studies show that approximately 4.5 billion people were estimated to have access to the internet today.  In the 1960s, c omputer scientists were credited with inventing the Internet communication protocols we use today.  These scientists are  Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn.  They created the internet a s a way for government researchers to share information.   Believe it or not the internet was originally used for  military purposes.   Today, you can use the Internet to access libraries, encyclopedias, art galleries, news archives, and other information sources from anywhere in the world.        The Wor...